Monday, September 28, 2009

Alex in First Grade

I am slowly getting started with making a school album for Alex. Em gets on to me because I have not done one for her, but I thought start with the easiest and go from there. I had asked Alex at the time about her school information that is shown on here, but I don't have much to go on from both Pre-School and Kindergarden. But, I'm sure it will all work out in the end. I do have a lot of pictures from all of her classes so far, so I can go thru and add them later.

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Monday, September 14, 2009

Last one!

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More Still

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More of Mom's Pictures

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Happy 9th Birthday Alex!!

Today is my oldest Granddaughter's ninth birthday. Happy Birthday Alexandria Nicole!! How quickly time flys when your having fun! Gamma loves you Dear. XOXO

Copying Mom's old pictures

I am back at home in Alabama, but while in MI my youngest sister Brenda brought her scanner and we were able to scan several of Mom's old pictures. Mom has two old photo books full of wonderful pics and memories. Someone was smart to write on most of the backs, so we have a lot of information. I wish I had done that on 90% of mine which are blank. You think you will remember, but I now know you don't. These are a few of my favorite. My Mom and Dad was such a good looking couple!
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Sunday, September 6, 2009

My sweet Momma had emergency open heart surgery and a double bi-pass on Tuesday, August 18. The first few days were extremely emotional. Many ups and downs. By the grace of God, even with the bad days, Mom slowly recovered and went home eight days after surgery. My two sisters that live in Michigan took turns the first week and a half driving back and forth to Bay City daily to be with Mom and Wayne. Another sister took the following week, and I am currently with her for a week. Mom is recovering nicely and getting stronger every day. This is a picture of Mom and me. I forgot my curling iron at home, so there was no help for my hair! It's hard to believe my Mom is seventy-seven. Where have all the years gone?
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Thinking of You Card

Today I am posting a card that I created late last night when I should have long been in bed. It's crazy how your mind picks the oddest ...